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Employees shall lose their jobs under any of the following conditions:

(1) Voluntary Resignation

  1. Personnel wishing to resign from post may do so by giving a resignation letter to the Executive Director stating the reasons for resignation and effective date of the same. One month of prior notice is required for such resignations.
  2. The date in which the resignation letter is received at the NGO office is considered the date on which notice of resignation is given. Failure to provide sufficient notice may be ground for forfeiture of all accrued employee benefits.


(2) Termination with Cause Grounds for employee termination are the following:

  1. Continuing inefficiency and gross negligence of duty.
  2. Fund embezzlement.
  3. Misuse of office equipment, and other properties.
  4. Repeated unauthorized absences and leaves.
  5. Intoxication while on official business or within office premises.
  6. Unauthorized disclosure of official information.


Procedures for Termination and/or Disciplinary Action

  1. NGO will ask the member for a written explanation on the offense deemed committed by the member concerned, identifying the charges against him/her and the particulars of the facts relied upon to support it.
  2. The member is given 3 working days to submit his/her explanations.
  3. Based on the written explanations submitted by the member concerned and the strength of evidence presented, NGO may choose to decide on the charges or pursue further investigation of the case.